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I'm guessing that Charlotte is back

August 1, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: and she logged too! that never happens

We did an extended police station to keep the run flat and easy. Grace and I seem to have a different idea of what an easy pace is because by the end of the run we couldn't see the rest of the girls. Our splits were pretty consistent until the last one which was like 7:50. I felt good on the run. Shortly after we came back it started pouring and I went inside with Ingrid to wait for my mom. Originally, Ingrid had to bike so we gave her a ride. Biking up the hill in a thunderstorm just sounds terrible (and dangerous). I mapped all the runs for tomorrow when I got home. There aren't any really big hills on the 8 mile run, but I made sure that there are a lot of hills. I also threw some hills into the 6 mile run and one into the 4 mile run.

Update: 10:40pm
Justin got back at around 8:30. We weren't sure if he was going to make it today because his bike was having a ton of problems for the whole ride; but he made it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.14 Miles 41:55 8:09 / Mile