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grind mild, 4xK, 3x200 solo

August 19, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: HOT, like 80ish and humid already

Got up reasonably early, but it was already hot. Jogged easy from the house, down to Amazon, which was already teeming with runners - namely the UO Running Club, doing mile repeats...counterclockwise, of course (heaven forbid doing them the other way, y'all!)

Felt fine - and much better than yesterday - but it didn't take long into the grind mile for the HR to spike up, so the mile was pretty slow.

From there, did 4xK. I started out with my "don't look at splits, be process-oriented approach". Felt pretty fast. Hit the split...but the watch missed. At first I thought it said 3:17...but then it was like 3:27 WTF? Can't be right...

Second one, same story, like 3:25 (also with a missed lap - Suunto, why must you apply 1000 kilonewtons of pressure to the lap button to register?)

By then I was really annoyed. It didn't feel too hard, but didn't feel very easy! So on the third, with the heat building, I decided to watch every 100m. In theory, I should be <20s. So I did, and was 18-19s for the first couple...and suddenly it felt a lot harder, but still doable. Finished in 3:16. "Ah!" More like it.

Stride felt a little wonky: tight R glute and hamstring, as if the pelvis and hip weren't moving. Spent some extra time stretching and leg swinging before the last one, which helped. 3.14.x

I was tired, but decided it's Push time, so I jogged to the track for x3 clockwise 200s. Again, after the first 200, I felt stiff in the pelvis, so I actually got down on the track to stretch out. DEFINITELY helped. Split 31, 32, 31.

Formal splits (HR for the grind)

6:06 (160)

31.4, 32.1, 31.6

Solid workout, but weird. I feel a little lazy for those first two K's, but at this point - pretty deep in the cycle - those splits don't come so effortless anymore, and there needs to be more "discipline" in achieving what's fully possible. The final two demonstrated that.

Rest of the day
- jogged home
- breakfast, then took an allergy pill - was REALLY feeling the shitty air. Rest a bit afterward
- to the office to work on CA and do some other errands (no real patients today)
- home to pack up and head up to Waldo!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles   adidas Adizero Blue