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OFF - rest

August 21, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Got to bed late, then had to get up EARLY (0415) to bring Lexi to the airport. Got home at about 0515 and slept...til nearly 11!

After that, a very lazy day:
- brunch
- some computer work (but a lot of rlog back-logging)
- some coaching
- eating both anniversa-fritters and ultra-fritters with coffee

Finally around 6:30 we left the house again, this time for beers at Coldfire. OD and Julie joined us around 7:30 and we stayed there 'til after 9!

Good rest day. REALLY proud of CA, on how she executed, survived, and (seemingly!) minimized the exit wound from a very tough race!

As for me, I'm pretty damn tired. Did basically nothing. I'd considered even a hard run ("on tired legs"), but clueing into the system, I seemed just too fatigued. Zero day.