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TRAN's Trapezoids! First in over 3 months...

August 25, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: HOT, like nearly 90

Did some AM errands:

- final gum check (plus b-card dropoff) at Harper's office. Looks like I'm good to go
- stopped for some French pastries and dropped those (and b-cards) off at Eugene Foot & Ankle, and chatted with Dr Rincker, which was key.

Then, I realized that I should probably workout today, since tomorrow will be busy, and I'm feeling OK. Got home, stretched a bit, then left for the track.

The idea was to jog to ATA track (nearly 4mi) to do 500-200s. I haven't done them in this cycle, but I figure that'd be a good hybrid fast-yet-strength workout. But when I finally got to ATA, it was closed for construction! On top of that, SEHS track is inundated with elementary school kids for the running camp, track!

So I decided to run all the way back to the old place, Skinner Butte, to do TRAN's Trapezoids: the 300m hard uphill, 100m or so steep trail downhill, then a 10s sprint on the flat, then jog back -- x8!

I really like repeating workouts, because it's a great metric for improvement. My first go at these this spring yielded mid to high 70s and, at best a 72. Today's splits:

Grind mile warm-up (en-route): 7:17

Hills (downhill):
68.3 (43)
71.8 (43)
72.1 (43)
72.x (45)
70.4 (47)
68.7 (46)
69.1 (45)
68.5 (46)
-- average: 70.1

That's WAY faster than I've ever done (I think I last did these hard on 5-16, and my average was maybe 75 or 76). Felt GOOD. The heat really built near the end, but a variety of cues made me feel strong:

- Tall & Forward
- Pelvis left (and strong R leg push)
- strong feet
- tall trunk + elbows behind

Weird run-in: saw Teresa (a girl with whom I went on a couple dates, back in '13) walking down the road as I was sprinting up. She did NOT look good: confirmed when I thought I saw her a while back - she's put on a good two-dozen LB's! Bummer... did not say anything, except frown my direction. Weird situation-ending with her back then, pre-Chelsea...

Post-workout: jogged to T&G for a glass of water, then easy jog all the way home (>4mi). Ran into Lewis doing grind miles at Amazon, so jogged a half-lap with him.

- home for "brunch"
- did some paperwork
- fun little marketing session at Lane 5 crossfit (owned by Tom Pappas - former 3x Olympian and world champ decathlete, and his brother Billy)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
14.5 Miles   adidas Adizero Blue