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Plantation 1000s

September 3, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: "Lizzy, your shoe is untied again"

I think I'll start by giving a quick summary of last year. According to my log, I was supposed to do 6 reps with a goal pace of 4:20-4:15. Most of my times ended up being in between 5:00 and 5:30. I don't think any of the other girls had a good workout too, I remember that almost everyone cried at some point. I honestly have no idea how we did a Spartan Race after that workout.
Today I was in a group with Grace and Zoe. We were supposed to aim for 4:28-4:18 and do 7-8 reps.
The first 4 were good, I felt fairly decent and we stayed together the whole time. We were a little under 4:28 so we were tried to slow down a bit until we started the 5th rep. Grace stepped on something sharp when we were cresting the hill on (maybe) the 3rd rep. It went through her shoe and sock and cut her foot. I thought she looked like she was limping on the steep part of the hill on the 5th rep. Poor Grace also fell when we were going down the hill on the 3rd or 4th rep. The grass was wet so she slid for a second and Zoe hurdled over Grace. I just veered off into the longer grass. Grace still kept up really well even after all that.
On the 6th rep, I was in front of our small pack on the hill which surprised me because I had just been hanging on behind Zoe and Grace for all the other reps. I was so focused on getting to the top that I didn't the notice distance stating to grow between us. When I crested the hill I looked back and saw we weren't close to each other any more. I considered slowing down on the downhill to let Zoe catch up, but I thought about what I would do if this happened in the last 1000 of a race and I knew that I wouldn't wait for anyone. I went and I felt so strong. Of course I was tired too, but it was incredible and I felt better on that rep than any of the preceding reps. I've never felt like that ever before. My 6th rep is definitely something I'll always think about during workouts and races from now on. I still had some of that energy left on the the 7th rep, but it just wasn't the same. I had been planning on doing 8, so I was almost disappointed when Coach B told us to stop after 7. That didn't last very long though, and I was happy to go on the cooldown.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.35 Miles 1:09:39
2.2 Miles 19:57 9:04 / Mile Warmup Purple Nike Pegasus 32
1000.0 Meters 4:23 7:03 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32
1000.0 Meters 4:24 7:04 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32
1000.0 Meters 4:24 7:04 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32
1000.0 Meters 4:25 7:06 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32
1000.0 Meters 4:23 7:03 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32
1000.0 Meters 4:19 6:56 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32
1000.0 Meters 4:19 6:56 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32
1.8 Miles 19:05 10:36 / Mile Cooldown Purple Nike Pegasus 32