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Horsetooth Rock up and down

September 18, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: mid 80s, dry, hot

Had a fabulous morning: woke up in the mountains, west of Foco, made tea, had a fire, walked around to see the sunrise on a couple mountains, then made breakfast. We hit the road, not sure where to run.

We immediately came upon some sweet-looking high country (>10000') trailheads...but it was cold and windy, and we had full bellies of eggs and we kept driving.

Turns out those were the best options, because once we got down the hill, it was all dry, narrow canyons. I found a road that took us diagonal, straight to Horsetooth, so we did that.

Parked outside the park, near Clarkie's house, and ran. It was HOT by then: over 80. But we kept it easy.

Ran and hiked a lot about 3mi up to the summit, hung out a bit, then picked our way down. The road N1's suck on dusty rock trail, but once we got on the double track, it was smooth sailing.

Felt pretty solid, once again, but once we got done (nearly 75 minutes), that was plenty!

Rest of the day:
- checked into our airbnb and showered for the first time in three days
- went to Runners Roost for my injury consult. NO ONE came...but I did a TON of plugging of my services to their four employees
- was there for 3 hrs, then went to Erin's (friend from high school) for birthday dinner!

FUN, good birthday! CA really went all out with good dessert and nice presents...and generally being awesome.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles