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Biking in Sandals

September 19, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: I haven't worn shoes since Friday

I went to see Kim after school today and she told me I shouldn't run for at least today and tomorrow. It's just so frustrating because my blisters don't hurt when I run or change my form, but I still need to wait for them to heal or else they'll just keep getting worse and possibly become infected which could mess up a lot more than just one week of training. I feel so bad for Charlotte now, cross training for just a couple days hasn't been fun, it must be terrible aqua jogging alone almost everyday.
I biked for slightly over an hour today. It was about as boring as swimming was yesterday. I tried reading my book, but I couldn't focus on the words and at one point I was just staring at a page for like 10 minutes.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
17.0 Miles 1:04:00 3:45 / Mile