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Light pool stretching & "run"

September 11, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Swim

Woke up pretty stiff, but wasn’t very feverish, which was good. Ate a bit of breakfast, while both Jake (way early) and CA went for easy run. Matt went with me - with Evan - to the pool! We sat in the hottub for a bit, stretching out, talking to a couple other finishers, then we went into the main pool. I did about 5-10 minutes of various types of pool running, which felt pretty good! Then, back into the hottub. I worked on my quads and my right ankle a fair amount. The right ankle (and right calf) is the number one issue, post-race, so for the remainder of the day, I had to talk to myself to “use it, and push-off”.

Retrospectively, what I think happened:

I, for some reason, perhaps early on, stopped pushing powerfully with my right ankle and foot
This could be habitual and much more pronounced on technical terrain
The lack of full ankle-foot pushoff might’ve then causes:
The right ab cramping (didn’t stretch it behind.
The left adductor cramping
The right calf strain - from UNDER pushing, not over!

Had a nice time with both Matt and Evan J at the pool, but time was ticking away. Got back to the townhouse and everyone was furiously packing up, so CA and I did the same and - with some ruffled feathers and crankiness - we were all out by 1045.

CA and I drove together, with Matt following, south toward Duluth, stopping at Palisades overlook, then again in Two Harbors for good coffee. Matt had recommended Fitger’s for lunch, so we all convened there - mom and Chris, the Harts and us.

The food was pretty bleh, but I felt I needed it. I basically GUZZLED the gravy that came with the poutine fries! This was an obvious post-race craving, but it makes me wonder if I suffered mid-race due to a deficiency in salt. Dunno. I took only 3 S!Caps, but they didn’t necessarily taste good…

After lunch, we bid adieu to Chris and the Harts, and agreed to stop by Matt’s house on my way to mom’s. CA and I drove across the harbor to Superior to check out one of Mike Taylor’s friends breweries (Thirsty Pagan), but it just didn’t look great, so we left without purchasing. Then we headed home.

En route, about 15 minutes out from my mom’s, we stopped at Matt’s new place “in the woods” of Afton, MN. Real nice place! His property - in a tucked-away little neighborhood in the trees - is so big, both CA and I were pressuring him to make a perimeter bark running path! We hung out for a couple hours before pushing on toward Wisconsin.

By then, my mom had crashed out, and Billy wasn’t coming home, so it was just CA and I the rest of the night. We made an impromptu stop in Hudson, WI, to my old bar & grill employer, but it was just too sketch to stay and drink, so we went to a new tap house on 2nd Ave, which was awesome!

Then, finally, we drove to River Falls, went to Steve’s Pizza, and out-right crushed a pepperoni and gyro pizza (with kalamata and feta cheese - perhaps a bit too much salt). Damn good, overall!

Pretty good day! I feel pretty worked and tired, but not NEARLY as wrecked as my two WSER finishes!