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Course run-through

October 7, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Some of the girls met at CTB for breakfast and then we walked over to the high school. Grace and I had to run like 2 blocks in our sandals because my bags got tangled up somehow and Grace waited for me while I untangled them. Zoe and Lizzy are fast walkers, so they were about a block ahead of us by the time I was finished.
I was thinking about going to chem, but then I decided not to because they were doing a lab and it would've been weird to just stand around for 10 minutes and then leave.
I felt really good when we were running the course, so much better than last year. I'm nervous about the start of the race because I really hate starting quickly. Last week I got boxed in at McQuiad because I wasn't fast enough. Maybe I'll prove myself wrong tomorrow and get out faster than I think I can.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.75 Miles 25:10 9:09 / Mile   Red-Orange Pegasus 33