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October 15, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I made a run last night and I was planning on doing it this morning, but I ended up going in the opposite direction. This is why it's good for me to have a gps watch because when I run alone I always wander off my planned route at some point. Today I ran on the east hill rec trail to stevenson and then onto the dirt road until I reached 3 miles and turned around. It's actually not that bad of a run as long as I don't do it or something similar to it every week, kind-of like I did last winter. I think this is the highest milage week I've done as of now, it felt pretty average though, I could probably do more without any problems

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles 50:54 8:29 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32