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RAINY in-town long run: Rexius to Baldy to Ridgeline to Specer to Owl

October 16, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50s, rainy, windy

Fun, relaxing day:

- didn't sleep in at all, really. Got up at 8ish and did a bit of work
- CA needed supplies for the table, so we went to the store...then went to Hideaway for coffee, sitting in a covered, heated shelter outside...with the rain POURING down! Fun!
- home to do some work on the table legs

Around noon, we finally got out for a run. Ran super-easy with lots of hiking: down to Rexius, then up Baldy, over to Ridgeline, then a Spencer summit. Lots of nutjobs out there, because there were a ton of folks out hiking-Spencer summitting...and the conditions were terrible!

After the summit, we doubled-back to Ridgeline, then west to the Owl spur, then down.

I felt a little clunky, and had a HARD time keeping "symmetrical":

- pelvis left
- right hip going straight back

We've come up with a new term for when you extend your leg, rather than swing straight back, it dives IN == "Roger"ing. Lolz. Anyway, I was doing a lot of "Rogering". But when I stopped to sideglide left stretch, that helped. Back is still off from Superior, I guess...

CA was OK 'til the last mile, when "DB" flared. Ugh, so annoying. But I think me might've targeted the sore area in the sacrotuberous ligament...

Rest of the day:
- breakfast, and cleaned up
- to the coffee shop for some work

squats, overhead snatch(!), abs, glutes, some hops

- Beer at T&G
- fish & chips at NW seafood
- home!

Pretty darn good day!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.5 Miles