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short UO barefoot with CA

October 26, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Easy from the office, a shorter version of the UO barefoot route. Ran more directly to the fields, then did maybe a mile there, barefoot. Ran into Justin, my old coworker, who stopped to do a few barefoot laps with me. CA was in a hurry to get to work, so we booked it for home.

My stride's been *off* -- something's not moving on the left side: left pelvic-back pain, and more left nerve and foot pain...but also some right achilles-calf pain. After seeing two patients with the same issue, I think it could be my left pelvis being unable to flex. Worked the hell out of that in the afternoon.

Rest of the day:
- met with Ilisa. Thought I was going to lose her, but she's "all in" for some more coaching, which is great
- new HS kid client, which went well!
- T&G with CA, then to Tacovore

Solid day. Nice to have a down-day.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles