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Why Can't They Measure A Course Right???

November 5, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Just to start off this log, when I got home, my dad speculated that "running is a contact sport; your foot hits the ground every step," and I just thought that was a perfect way to sum up running with shin problems.
Anyway, DC State meet today. I kind of don't know what to think of this meet. I wasn't super excited for it because I didn't run DCXC this year, but from last year, I remembered it as being a really boring course. Also, I just felt really heavy and tired when I got up and just bad in general. JV girls was the first race, so I felt like we had a rushed warmup, and I just felt nervous and unprepared on the line. Then, I learned that none of the four people who I've raced with before were there, and the next closest person to me was Jenna, but she's usually a minute faster at least, so I'd have to race totally alone. As I was worrying about this, I looked back while they were taking forever counting us, and Jenny just gave me a huge smile and thumbs up which gave me a lot more confidence!

The race started and I immediately felt a lot better. I went out pretty fast for the first 200 meters because I wanted to see if it was possible to stay with Jenna and Grace and others, but they were going too fast, so I dropped back a bit. Mia hung on with me for the first kilometer, but then dropped back and since I had nobody to run with, I just started trying to pick people off. I sort of decided that I wouldn't really pace myself, but I'd just run fast and when I got tired just try to keep running fast. This probably wasn't the greatest idea, but since Anthony peaks us so well, I felt strong enough that it actually didn't turn out badly. I probably passed like 30 people during the race which I'm very proud of! The entire last mile, I could see Jenna ahead of me and I tried to push myself to catch her, which I was finally able to do probably 800 meters from the finish. I miraculously was still feeling good at this point, so I passed her, and despite racing hard, I was actually able to kick! I'm really proud of how I raced because despite being alone, I was able to focus on passing a lot of people, and I felt strong and confident with my racing strategy (or lack thereof:) ). However, my time was a minute slower than I thought it was, and was 22 seconds off my season PR and 1:11 off of my overall PR. I know, as everyone said, that times don't matter very much and that the course was probably long anyway, but it's just annoying that the race where I think I pushed the most I ever have on a pretty flat, fast-ish course isn't a PR. I also, really pettily wanted to medal, and I shouldn't care, but I don't think I've ever been that close (I was still at least 15 people off), but I can't help wondering that maybe if I'd trusted myself more in the beginning, I would have been closer to it. I'm still extremely happy with how I raced--just frustrated with the clock. (It must be rigged against me right!?!?!?) Despite my frustration, as always, I loved spending my Saturday with all you wonderful people, and everyone who I saw race looked beautiful. Good job hoppers!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.11 Miles 39:42
8:00 Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 26:42 8:35 / Mile    
5:00 Cooldown