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November 7, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Elliptical

Ellipticalled because I really wanted to run, but shins hurt and I wanna do the workout tomorrow. Watched all my weird vlogger families to pass the time, and felt gross and way to tired for coming off a four day weekend. :( Shout out to Amelia though for I think being the only freshman to have logged so far!
Strength: Planks (1:00), PLL (10 per), Bench Press (2*12 w 5lbs), Lateral Arm Raises (2*10 w 8lbs), Front Arm Raises (2*10 w 8lbs), Lat Pull Down (10 w 40 lbs)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.36 Miles 41:00 12:12 / Mile