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to & from Oakway

November 9, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Bleh day. Felt pretty terrible - physically and spiritually - this morning, but got it together for a good video chat with Janet. I then ran to Oakway to quickly lift and run back before Dan showed for his noon appt. Felt like ASS on the run, but it was warm and humid. Lift was OK, but only time for split squats and curls-rows.

Rest of the day:
- Dan at noon (good session)
- work
- "second coffee" (decaf)
- Talia at 4
- MOC for groceries
- home for dinner
- met up with Alexis-Micah for beer at Jiffy (amongst a Wed-night running-beer group!)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles