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November 12, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

I'm finally going to log this more than a week later because I've been really busy and haven't had time. My shins hurt a lot, but I decided to not really pace again the way I did at DCXC which was probably not a good idea. It sort of worked at DCXC because it's so flat, but with all the hills here, I kind of burnt out. Went out really fast with Ellie and India and worked my way up to Sophie, but couldn't stay with her past the first mile. India and then Ellie caught back up to me, and I think I ran with Ellie for some of the end of the race. I don't really remember at this point. Finished 2 seconds off of my season PR which is annoying, but I was so caught up in the last-race-of-the-season excitement that I don't care that much. Spent the rest of the day cheering and not cooling down. Gigi and I wanted to go across the stream to cheer for the varsity girls race. I was carrying my lunch and water, but was worried that I'd drop them in my clumsiness while crossing the stream, so I threw them across without realizing that my lunch was open. Now there will forever be a clementine and a container of almonds at Derwood that I couldn't find. I have left my mark!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.1 Miles 26:22 8:30 / Mile