November 5, 2016 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Busy day. Up early to get CA to Monmouth, and while she was in class, I went down to Corvallis for a couple things:
- The first, a long-ish run with Emily Kalenius. She's doing a lot better (since our work last winter and again this fall). The intent was a "regular run", but I soon found out what that means for her. Started off "OK", but it quickly escalated into a substantial grind. I was prepared for it, and accepted it as an uptempo workout. Regardless of me, it goes to show how goddamn strong - and what an utter grinder - she is! It was pretty sane on the outbound, which took us up and over toward the north end of the park. Then, on the return, it was a major uphill grind, then fast dirtroad grind, to the finish. My HR was pegging >170 for sure, and I was feeling it, even on the flat-ish roads. But it didn't faze her at all; such is the life of a grinder!
I didn't hold it against her, or particularly protest. But it was a good opportunity to chat training theory, and it became a bit of a subversive coaching pitch on my part: the importance of Hard-Easy dichotomy, among other things.
The second half had AHRs that included: 147, 153, 162, 152, 161, 157 -- a flat-out grind-fest for sure!
Post-run: showered at her house and some chatting.
- Second half: did an in-person stride analysis with Spencer Newell. Good to demo what I do with him and Betsy - heads of "Novo Veritas", which is essentially a wellness coaching company out of Corvallis. In addition to that work, I hope to form a good professional partnership with them.
- picked up CA
- drove back to Corvallis to eat salad at the co-op, and finish a stride report for Alex
- drove back to EUG, cleaned up quick, then went to Carrie's 50th bday fest, which was fun!
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
12.5 Miles |