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Yachats River Road Grind Tempo

November 26, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50s, not raining or windy...yet

Slept in a bit ('til about 8ish) and got out for a run by 9. Ran solo, as I wanted to grind an ol' fashioned roadie long run. Ran from Drift Inn, a short loop through town, then SE to the River Road.

I really haven't run on this since maybe '10 or '11 (when I used to come here with Britt). I forgot how rolling it is, especially in the first two miles. Here's the mileage breakdown

1st mile: super easy
2: ramp up
3-6: moderate
7-11: fairly hard
12: easy cool-down.

Around 3.5 miles, I came across another runner, westbound -- turned out to be Lonn (who we'd contacted about running). He was just wrapping up his MP run. so I turned back to run his cool-down, just under a mile. I stopped to chat, then reversed course, eastbound.

Major form-focus today: Tall & Forward, little-as-possible knee bend, pulling the leg beneath me...with knees out and whole foot! Lots going on, but I felt I did it well. The glutes were already rocked from weights, but this did them in, for sure.

HR jacked a little higher than I wanted, and the last few miles were hard, but this was a good run. In some respects, I used to do this sort of run *all the time*; in others, I think I over-estimated how fast I was running (before the GPS watches). Splits (AHR):

8:39 (119)
7:26 (140)
7:16 (151)
7:24 (154 - this is when I ran with Lonn for the mid-section)
7:18 (148)
6:56 (159)
6:39 (161)
6:50 (162)
6:37 (167)
6:34 (169)
6:31 (171)
7:53 (157) - "cooldown"

Every one of those miles was rolling, but the section between 7-9 was likely the flattest.

Rest of the day:
- tailgate eggs
- coffee and work at Green Salmon
- more coffee, more work (and treats) at Overleaf Lodge
- happy hour at Yachats Brewing
- dinner at Luna's
- movie watching back at our room

Great day!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles