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November 26, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I got a lot of sleep the night before because my hotel was only 20 minutes away, and I set out what I needed and packed the rest of my stuff up Friday evening so it only took like 10 minutes to get ready. I'm not exactly sure what time I got to the pavilion, because my watch died the night before and my phone wasn't working. I think it was probably around 8:30. Lizzy and Zoe got there really late so we didn't do a shakeout run because it was too close to our warmup time. Grace and I did a quick shakeout walk instead. It was cold and rained a bit before our race, but by the time our race went off the temperature was basically perfect and it wasn't raining. Yesterday I didn't really want to race and I thought that today I would be excited (in a good way), but I wasn't at all. I guess I wasn't thrilled about the idea of pushing myself in a race. On the line I was nervous, but I think I was just feeling intimidated. I don't have that much to say about the race itself. The start was average, not very fast or slow. Going up the last part of the hill I was probably running slower than when I ran the course on Friday. The whole race I knew I was going at my tempo pace, but I never did anything about it. I saw Grace not too far ahead when I got to the bottom of the hill, and I thought about speeding up to catch her, but at the time I just didn't see a reason why. My time is only a few seconds faster than last year, but I expected that even when I was racing. I'm actually not too disappointed (about my time) because while I know that last year I did not have my greatest race, I certainly wouldn't have considered it to be a tempo like I did this year.
After the race, Grace said she felt like she was tempoing too, but I don't know about anyone else. We also took some pictures behind the Nike merchandise shop.
Anyway, after my race at Sectionals, I kinda wanted to stop because when only considering races, my season has basically been trash. STACS was my only good race and McQuiad and Pre-States were just decent. I'm guessing that my mentality changed because physically I felt great before every race. I still don't know how it could've changed because I've never had this problem before. Maybe I set my expectations too high, but I don't think that's true. All this only applies to races though, most other parts of the season, like training, were good. A few hours after sectionals, I decided to continue because I knew that next year I'd regret not taking the opportunity to extend my season. I'm glad I did because overall I enjoyed running for those 3 extra weeks and coming to this meet. This track season I'm hoping to take down whatever mental barrier that I built for myself, and pr in the 3k. Last year I improved by like 70 seconds and while I kinda doubt that's going to happen again because 70 seconds is a lot for the 3k, I want to break 11 minutes. I guess I'll just see what happens. I'm also determined to get over a steeplechase barrier so I can experience racing steeplechase. The past two years I've been able to get over regular hurdles, but I've always been too scared of getting over the steeple barriers, so I would find other ways over/under/around them during practice. Now that we've got an indoor track team I think I want to try the pentathlon this winter (just for fun).
The warmup and cooldown times are probably not even close to being accurate because my watch died.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.81 Miles 59:04
2.2 Miles 20:00 9:05 / Mile Warmup Red-Orange Pegasus 33
2:00 Tempo Red-Orange Pegasus 33
5.0 Kilometers 22:04 7:06 / Mile   Nike zoom XC spikes
1.5 Miles 15:00 9:59 / Mile Cooldown Red-Orange Pegasus 33