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December 25, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I was eating a muffin this morning when I suddenly decided to run now rather than later. Luckily the muffin never bothered me when I was running. I probably went on the least planed out run yet, and that's saying something because I almost never have a route planned. The difference between today and most of my runs is that I normally have a distance or time I want to hit, and today I headed out with literally no idea how far or where I wanted to go. I was thinking about turning around after 15 minutes, but I was almost at the end of the trail so I kept going. My foot started bothering me again at about this point, unlike yesterday the pain came on gradually and I wanted to just deal with it instead of turning around again. I thought I would go straight back but after about 5 minutes I was feeling better so I added on through East Hill plaza. Of course then I decided to run 5 minutes up the Snyder Hill trail and then I thought I might as well just run to the end of the trail, and that's how I ended up running for 60 minutes rather than just 30.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.05 Miles 1:00:30 8:34 / Mile   Red-Orange Pegasus 33