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October 8, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I felt great before the race; I wasn't too calm or nervous, I had a nice balance. I tried to think of this race the same way I would about a 3k which gave me more confidence because the 3k was my best event during track season. I was only concerned about getting out fast enough because I didn't want a repeat of McQuiad. When we were standing on the line I started thinking why not get out fast? I used to have a lot of speed when I played more explosive sports, so surely there's something left. The race went off not much later and I went for it. About halfway across the field I looked around and only the North Penn girls were even with me so I wasn't worried about getting tripped up or boxed in when we entered the woods. At first I was excited and ready to start moving up, but about 1k into the race something changed and I started falling back and wasn't thinking that much anymore. At one point I saw Ingrid and hoped she would pass me, which she did thankfully. After I crossed the line it barely took me 20 seconds to recover so I knew the results weren't going to be good. Last year I had a bad race here and I ran 17:12. This year I ran 17:11 so that's doubly bad, and I was expecting to improve my time by so much before the race. I don't know why I haven't had a good race yet. Last year if I had a bad race there was a clear reason behind it, now it's really vague. Hopefully next year I'll see the improvement I want because it will be my last chance.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.64 Miles 57:47
1.6 Miles 15:40 9:47 / Mile Warmup  
1.55 Miles 14:56 9:38 / Mile    
4.0 Kilometers 17:11 6:54 / Mile   Nike zoom XC spikes
1.0 Miles 10:00 10:00 / Mile