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Travel Day

August 17, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Well today was the longest day ever, literally. Woke up really early to catch a subway out to Narita. We took local trains, which is cheaper but takes longer. We ended up getting there in plenty of time, got to the gate and all fine. So tired, but sad to leave Japan, but at the same time kinda ready to get back to the states. Settled into the flight, and it wasnt all that bad actually, surprisingly. Just watched movies and slept. The bad part was landing back in NYC, at the exact same time that we left Tokyo. That was whack. I made it through Customs first so I had to wait around a little bit. Felt pretty wiped. Then we had to slug through NYC on the nasty ass subway and wait in the bus station at Port Authority. Its amazing to compare Tokyo to NYC. The cleanliness, the way it operates, the people. Just so different, and NYC is the gross end. Once we got on the bus, it really hit me. I was exhausted and it was so hard to sleep on the bus. Getting to Springfield, felt so close to home but so far. Hard to believe that when we got back I had been traveling for about 24 hours and went around the world. All I had to do was walk home down Pleasant St. By the time I got home, I was actually kinda awake, since it was morning time in Tokyo and I felt like it already was the next day. What a trip, fortunate I got the opportunity and planned it all out. It was a success and an important experience.