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Shrunch Shrunch Shrunch

January 9, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: ~20 degrees, Cold

Winter's still on in NJ! And Gear Acquisition Syndrome is in full effect, I saw some trail shoes for way cheaper than I would otherwise be able to get them (aside from free), so I had to. Basically, nice digs, much more grippy than my usual stuff. And bright hunter orange. I'll have to try to save them for trails for sure, they can handle pavement, but it gets fairly "loud", and I'm sure that's hell on the lugs. Pleasant enough run otherwise. May have seen some of my tracks from yesterday, but I'm pretty sure my feet are bigger than that.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles   Montrail "The Road to" Caldorado