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4x Baldy

January 10, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: nearly 40, but rainy and slushy...and shitty

Slept pretty good, got up with CA early, and when she went to school, I stayed at home, getting a bunch done. After today: all gait analyses caught up (essentially): A bunch in the past month!

Got out the run at 9:30. Shit was melting well, but it was also raining and I under-estimated how cold it was. Drove to Fox Hollow and Amazon and ran from there, old-school, but on the road, since the bark was still terribly frozen and slushed.

I figured I'd give Baldy a try and if no-go, then I'd run up Dillard Road for repeats. I NEED vertical. When I got to Baldy and started up the first steep pitch, it wasn't looking good: pure snow and slush. But thankfully, after that, there were substantial parts of cleared gravel, making it, on the whole, fairly runnable.

After the first rep, I tried the trail descent, but it was no good: the spur trail is cleared, but as I feared, no one bothered to clear the singletrack (in fact, there were efforts to kill it even more, with someone dragging downed branches to block it). Popped out of the trees and straight down the road for the remainder.

Did 4 reps. Felt pretty good. The pre-run fuel (mix of carbs, protein, fat) helped but gave me some gut-rot. And I had frozen junk from wearing my summer shorts! Other than that, solid run:

Splits (HR)

10:29 (163)
10:44 (167)
10:48 (168)
10:53 (169)

Wore the N2 yellows and they were solid in the snow and ice, but it was still hella slick. Not sure how much it slowed me...let's hope for like 30s :-p ... but probably not that much.

Felt good, though. Best climbing session of this training build-up. Ran the road back and picked it up to sub-7 pace.

Some left hip pain -- I think my anterior pelvis is a little off...

Rest of the afternoon:

- good patient session at noon
- TONS of good admin work (finished the last gait analysis, did accounting, etc)
- got my allergy injection (THREE more, ridiculous)
- did landry...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.5 Miles