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January 15, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: ~30 degrees, Chilly

First run in ages that could properly qualify as a long run! (Last week doesn't count.) Did the Big Farm Loop, for old time's sake. Took it super slow in the first couple of miles, as my right knee's been a little achey, and didn't want to risk blowing it up. But it was a fun run! Caldorados were grippy, and stiff enough that the usually treacherous farmland wasn't a problem. I wasn't a huge fan of the ground thawing out by mile 6 or so, but I was back in town shortly afterwards. Overall pace was wicked slow, but I was way more concerned with completion than anything else. There's plenty of time left in the training cycle to go fast.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.16 Miles 1:08:23 8:22 / Mile Long Montrail "The Road to" Caldorado