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yoga, then easy pre- and post-LLM's race

January 21, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Shitty - variably rainy, but consistently windy; mid 40s

Slept WELL, for the first time in over a week. Did a bit of work before CA and I hustled to yoga. Had only tea and was feeling hunger already, but the stomach was "solid", and I wanted to keep it that way.

Decent class, but I was feeling the workout and weights yesterday. Afterward, CA ran home, and I drove to the U of O, to watch, then run cool-down with Laura Lee, who was racing a little campus 5K, in conjunction with the Womens Marches.

Ran into her immediately on my jog over. We ran about a mile together before she went back to prep for the start. I went and did about two miles of barefoot (around a pick-up soccer game) until the race started. Once it did, I ran toward the course to catch LLM *in the overall lead*, which was both great and telling of the competition. I jogged around a bit more (having no idea where the course went and not wanting to chase-pace), then watched her win it outright in 22:00 - a solid time for her! Her husband and two little kids (3 and 6?) were there, which was nice.

After a quick post-race, she bade then farewell and we were off to our cooldown.

We ran EASY, all the way south to 29th, up through the golf course, onto Ribbon Trail, through Hendricks to Fairmount, then into Alton Baker and back to campus. Decent run, decent convos, but both of us were super-tired: I was still on back-log for sleep AND nutrition - in pseudo-bonk - and she had a super-stressful week of work (which included a night where she pulled an all-nighter, "working for 50 minutes and sleeping 10" every hour!). So it was good...but relatively tough for the ten-minute miles it felt like we were running. But good to spend the time.

- Stopped at Sundance and Allan Bros for some post-run food to take home
- CA made a fantastic "breakfast" (at 1:30) of eggs and gluten-free pancakes
- ...then I just laid around, reading and napping the rest of the afternoon! Glorious!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles