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2017 Mayor's Cup Races

November 12, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50s, not terrible - pretty decent

I felt sluggish and half-sick yesterday...and it carried over into today. Thus, I didn't have high hopes or expectations-energy for today's races. Brandie came with (and Mom back with Grandpa Steve). Did the usual course warm-up. Saw one guy that looked fast - but a little inefficient.

Did a couple miles and strides, then got ready for the Pain Train.

The course was exactly the same as last year: two blocks straight, then hard left. Straight for a half-mile, then hard left for two blocks, turn on a cone, and come back, remembering it's a block shorter on the way back, so only a one-block finishing straight.

At the gun, I was once again overwhelmed by a hard start, even in what seemed a sparser crowd. The Fast Guy got up SUPER fast, as did a woman and a couple others. Once again, I was way back at the corner, and it took a good quarter mile to get past the woman. By then, the Fast Guy had a considerable lead. I missed my quarter split, but I thought it was low-70s. Around the second corner to the cone, where I tried to accelerate and make up some ground.

Pushed to the long straight...and Fast Guy was only pulling away. Dang. I focused on form: Tall & Forward, Pull, arched back, strong feet...using abs. Did what I could, but it wasn't much. Didn't have anyone coming from behind.

Rounded the corner and the clock ticked toward 5. Goddamn it! Fast guy won in 4:46, and I ran exactly 5:00. Damn it!

Ugh. Annoying. Staggering through the chute, Brandie was there with water. I sat slumped on a bench, puffing a bit, then realized I had to "warm-up" for the 5K, so after a few more breaths and cursing myself, I got up and shuffled.

I almost thought about bagging the 5K. I felt ill - like sick-ill, and thought maybe I shouldn't race. But fuck it, I thought, I'm here for a workout and I'm "fine". So I ran an easy mile, then re-assembled for the 5K. Changed shirts and numbers, and got ready again.

The 5K is the same course...only going out another mile farther before a cone-turn. The field was more subdued at the gun, but I still found myself behind. I wasn't sure of pace, but I simply focused on form, and, settling into a distant third, I felt pretty good.

Along the lonnnng straight, past the one-mile turn, I gradually caught 2nd by the 2K point, then set my sights for number one. Fast Guy wasn't there; it was another young guy. He looked a little worn, coming back at the turn, and I felt OK -- much better than a year ago.

On the return, I simply thought form:

- Tall & FORWARD
- arch
- ABS LIFT - trying to use my pelvis to drive the system
- strong feet

And it seemed to work. With 1800 to go, I was feeling fairly strong, and with 900 to go, I saw him look back at me on the turn. "Blood!"

So with a half to go, I gave it the "just hurt" push, amping it a notch. And sure enough, with about 300 to go, I caught him. He "ugh"d aloud as I passed him, hammering into the finishing stretch.

Ran 17:32, supposedly beating him by a second. SOLID turn-around.

Pretty darn happy with that - a nice rebound from a disappointing 2nd in the mile. And, overall, I did better than last year:

Mile: 5:04
5K: 17:43

Mile: 5:00
5K: 17:32

After the race, I actually convinced Brandie to run with me! Besides when I jogged beside her during her triathlon in '12 (and she, with me on Bath Rd at WSER in '12), this might've been our first-ever run together! Did a slow, easy square around town for a couple miles.

- got my two trophies and $50 check...and some Bud Light keg
- back to the hotel for coffee
- to the Home to see mom and Gramps

Rest of the day:
- can't remember, but I think we had a good dinner out somewhere
- FUN day!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.11 Miles 22:32
2.5 Miles Warmup  
1.0 Miles 5:00 5:00 / Mile Race  
1.0 Miles    
5.0 Kilometers 17:32 5:38 / Mile Race  
2.5 Miles