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CIM day - various short runs

December 4, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: crisp, sunny, nice!

Slept in a little at the Curley's, then packed up and headed out. Didn't feel too bad after yesterday's effort.

Got coffee at Bloom, then headed to the 19 mile point or so, and watched everyone come through. Really interesting - as always - to watch the stride differences from the Very Best vs the "Pretty Good" (e.g. <2:20 guys vs 2:30+ guys, even). The latter are SUPER-inefficient.

After waiting a bit, I jogged nearly a full mile backward to look for Gabe, then Mike. Didn't see Gabe, but I ran with Mike a bit. He was doing OK, but not great. From there, I let him go, then jogged back to my car.

Hopped in the car, only to find that I'd missed Gabe and he'd already blown through 20 (which was good) so I hauled over to the capitol. From there, I ran about another mile to the finish, then backwards to see Mike. After he finished (3:09?) I checked in with him quick, then doubled back to see and run with Gabe.

Gabe had some cramping going on, which slowed him, but he finished, and had a big PR. Post-race, I hung out and had a beer with him and his wife Ingrid. Really fun! I'm really glad we met! After that...I drove to SMF to meet Mike, where we'd drive home together.

We split the driving, which was nice, since I was able to get some coaching done. Good to spend some time and catch up with him, too.

Good weekend!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles