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3x bark K, 4x200 "Dr Wo half" with Tommy

January 26, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50s, nice

Weird day. No patients, but I had a scheduled interview for the assistant coach (distance unit "head coach") track job at Pleasant Hill. There was some confusion about when, so I deferred the workout until the afternoon. Thankfully Tommy was game (as both Evan and Lewis are out of town).

I was feeling rough this AM - not as bad as it's been, but rough enough. So I stayed at home and worked. Had only tea and coffee 'til after the interview.

The interview went REALLY well: I like this school a lot. It's where CA student teaches, and my friend Matt Thornton (and roommate from 2009-2011) teaches there. So they have a paid distance coach opening ($3k), with the remote (but substantial) possibility for cross country in the future! Had a good chat; it was fun to talk about things. The AD and the principal (who are both track coaches) are good folks, and they liked my background and what I had to say.

About an hour after the interview, Connie the AD called and offered me the job! Cool! The only issues have to do with scheduling. The conflicts:

1. Sonoma (same day as sort of a big invitational, the "Prefontaine" in Coos Bay)
2. Districts. Same weekend as our Seattle-U2 trip. Fuck! I would NOT miss Districts (that the combo conference-state qualifying meet)
3. State. It's the same day-weekend as Callie's sister's wedding in NC. Would miss that for sure.

But I think I can swing it. INTERESTINGLY: the other applicant is a "young guy", just out of college, I think, and a former P.Hill grad. REALLY interesting, because they'd want him to help me out and for me to "mentor".

REALLY interesting, because...this was (as a 24 year old, 15 years ago) the EXACT position I was in, as a new coach, just out of college, going back to my high school. And it would be a chance for me to "do right" and mentor this kid on how to do it right (and NOT make the mistakes I did).

Anyway, I'm almost certain I'll do it. And I'm really excited.


Tommy and I met to run on a beautiful afternoon - 50s and sun - around 2:30. Ran about two miles warm-up, during which we decided we'd run them on the bark loop, rather than the track. It was damp but firm. And since I'm still feeling iffy, I didn't want the "burden" of comparison (e.g. I wanted the excuse of "slow bark").

So that's what we did.

He's significantly slower than me, so it was mostly just moral support out there. The idea was 4xK, but after 3, I was good.

Major form focus. The core concepts:

- Tall & forward
- pull-push behind
- knees out

And the new one, a "pure" right sided push-off.

I felt sluggish, but the splits were solid:

3:21, 3:19, 3:18

Not my very fastest, but pretty close!

I then ran the last one of Tommy's: 3:54. That one actually felt a little more difficult (almost faint).

From there, it was onto the track for the 200s on a minute clock. We ran them clockwise. It was so nice that I actually ran them bare-shirted!

Splits were solid:

31.6 (!)
low 30s (missed the watch)

Solid! Not super-fast, but it's tough to do those with essentally like 27s rest!

Jogged an easy cool-down. REALLY thankful to have Tommy there!

Rest of the day: various errands and work. LOTS of stride analyses coming in! No yoga for me, too tired.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles   adidas Adizero Blue