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Easy PRE from the old pad with Thornton, then 2-mile Tempo

January 29, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: mid 40s, nice

Slept in, worked a bit, then met Matt to run at 11:30. He's a teacher and basketball coach at P.Hill, but also a runner (since we met; he came and ran Twin Cities with me in '10), so I was thrilled that he said yes to helping out maybe a day a week, running with the distance kids! Good to chat about track, as he's a great coach and fun to talk to.

He hasn't been running so we went EASY, like 8:45-9:10 pace, on the bark and trails, just over 4 mi from his place. After that, I went off on my own to do some tempo work, to follow up on the moderate vertical from yesterday.

GUT was emptying a lot today! Deuced x2 at home, then had to again, pre-tempo. Ran sub-7 pace from his place to ease in, then once on the access road that runs down PRE, I took off.

I wanted to run beyond "threshold", so I pushed a bit. It's a slight up and down over the old trash dump-converted park, and I was reasonably pleased with the 5:45 outbound. I thought for sure I'd hammer a 5:3x inbound, but for some reason, the watch clicked 1.01 miles...and was like 5:5x! WTF? The tracking online was slightly different, too (different path, skewage). Ugh, c'mon Suunto. Not a great confidence boost. I hope I can blame the watch, and that it wasn't just "hard AF" to run a goddamn 5:57 mile! But that's what it was.

Jogged back to his place.

Rest of the day:
- met CA at BRING recycling. Off-loaded the Topper. RIP, Topper! It was good for the summer, but just too leaky (and now moldy)
- lifted + sauna at Oakway
- groceries then "breakfast" (at 4:30)
- work-coaching
- to T&G (worked a bit, drank CAM-boocha)
- home, ate salad, and pounded the rest of our dessert!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.5 Miles