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5x Skinner Uphills

February 14, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: increasingly smokey, dry

Did some work this AM, then over to the Court to get fingerprinted...but apparently this takes fucking forever, so since I was on a time crunch, I left for the run.

I thought about long grindy uphills, but I still want to avoid that energy system, so I went for short uphills, which I haven't done on the bonafide course in a long time. I thought - with my improving stride - they could be faster...or fatigue might be they're not. Wasn't sure.

1.5 mile warm-up around the Butte, then got after it.

Felt...pretty good. A little "flat" on the first one, but the subsequent ones were strong. Form focus:

- "HIP PUSH" -- glute extension (combo forward alignment and foot push behind). Trying to find that last 20% of hip drive power, ala the Mo Farah IG video.
- Tall & Forward -- truly staying over my knees and arched in my trunk (tough!)
- "PURE" right push-off. Worked this especially hard when the last quarter-hill flattens out a bit. Gotta be sure I have a pure extension.
- Knee out, pelvis left (secondarily; these are automatically good when I "PURE").

SOLID splits. They hurt, but they were solid. Did the usual uptempo descent (muddy, and in slick shoes), and 10s sprint on the flat.


71.6 (48)
69.2 (48)
67.5 (47)
67.6 (51)
66.4 (51)

I'm pretty sure my PR before today was 68 or 69, which makes the last THREE were all PRs! "BIGLY" workout!

I was planning on a sixth, but I figured I'd go quality over quantity.

Rushed home after a mile jog to clean up and head to P.Hill for a short track meeting! Met some of the kids and otherwise showed my face. Good stuff! It's the real-deal!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.5 Miles