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Olde Tyme Saturday Roadie Grind

February 11, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: mid 30s, brisk but dry!

While the competitive trail community is a little sparse, there's a burgeoning fairly-fast (or at least grindy) roadie community, and a fair amount of younger guys. They meet several times a week, and their "easy" run is supposed to be Saturday morning.

I knew better, and when I decided to branch out and meet up, I was ready for a good "grind tempo" workout.

Met Scott Williams (who also runs occasionally with the Hunt), and three other young grindies (all mid to late 20s) for 8.5 miles. Ran at 7:30 from SEHS, around Fairmount, into PRE to SPFD, then back via campus - a great, classic Saturday AM route.

Still a little tired from SOB and sore from weights and 200s, I felt a little stiff on this run...but oh man, was it a throwback!

No HRM today, which was probably a good thing:


Bear in mind, some of these sections were flat-and-fast, but a lot had some climbs, twisting turns and soggy bark. This was a classic "Joe Easy-Plus Run" from 2010. But the difference now is the GPS. Back then, I'd "grab" a pace on a (flat and fast) measured section and say, "Oh, I ran 6:30 pace". That's about what we did today. Splits were 7:00, but our cruise effort and flat-fast pace got down there in the second half, for sure.

...and it felt...GOOD. I NEED to do this. It's stupid not much as it's stupid to do it every day (or to do so when the system isn't feeling it). But here's the facts: THIS is fucking ultra pace. If you wanna run 8:30 pace for 62 miles on goddamn better be able to cruise 6:30-7:00 on a "base" run on "roads".

I used to do this 100% of the time, back in '10 when I ran 2:31 and 2:32 marathons. And this was the fitness I brought into ultras in '11 and '12, that blew out in '13...but has been gone since. I now run like 1% of my runs at this effort.

The bottom line: my STRENGTH is grinding. I can't deny that. I just have to appropriately harness it.

The keys:
1.) Make it sustainable as possible, generating this speed with STRIDE efficiency (which seems to be really working, recently)
2.) Balance. Doing some (perhaps a couple days a week), but not ALL. Amidst the other workouts, there has to be bonafide EASY days.

#1 happened well in '10 (although my stride imbalance was alive and strong), but I never did #2 well...which is why I always plateued-felt burnt every 4-6 months back then.

It's doable. And I'm gonna go for it.

This was a good starting point.

Got back to SEHS and I ran-shuffled an EASY kilo cool-down (thus the 8:xx mile).

GREAT RUN! And FUN, too.

Rest of the day:
- home quick to shower
- yoga at 9:15
- met Jonathan, my-our new assistant-assistant distance coach. GREAT kid. A crazy irony-poetic justice that I'll now have a young guy co-coaching with me, aged 24, just out of school, returning to the alma mater to start his coaching career...this was the EXACT spot I was in when I started coaching! Gonna try to nurture, mentor and collaborate with him in the way I wish I'd had back then.

- did some major work on my PT-gait analysis exercise templates
- made CA dinner for when she came home from school, then pre-work trip (flying to Utah...for an overnight inspection)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.5 Miles