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Lonn's "Boston Simulator Run" - 12.5 mile grind with Brad

March 4, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 40s, but sunny so felt warm

I'm trying really hard to [re-]integrate with EUG's road running community. Dr Lonn, a 61 year old dentist in town, is an awesome community organizer for runs. In addition to his big Christmas fun run and party, he puts on a Boston Marathon simulation run on the country roads outside Creswell, then has food and stuff afterward.

The route is between 18-21 miles (with shorter options), that's flat but rolling (or grinding climbs) at times. I wasn't sure what I'd do, but figured this would be a good "road grind" B2B, after yesterday.

Nice group of folks, many of whom I know. After driving out to the start of the route, we all sang the National Anthem (lolz, but a Boston tradition), then ran.

Pace was super-chill at first, then Brad Chvatal, a mid-40s roadie who I've known since 2009, eased into quicker running. I was chatting with him, and before long, we'd used the gradual downhill to get out front and run sub-7s.

From there, we basically kept running that pace...which was OK, but man, my fuse was lit. It shouldn't have felt that hard, but after Thursday's track and yesterday's Eagles Rest (half-)grind, I was definitely in the hole.

Regardless, I had some nice chats and good miles with Brad, as we went out five miles, stopped at a water stash, then the same five miles back. When we hit the final two -mile uphill grind (like 3% grade but still tough), I was legit anaerobic and feeling it. Another water stop (and deuce stop for me), then we did the two miles downhill, then another nearly two miles back up hill to Brad's car.

By the time we'd hit his car, I was DONE. TOUGH run. But I "cooled down" about 10-min pace, up the 0.7-mile "driveway" to Lonn's house in the trees.

Whew, GOOD run. Not super fast, but after this week, it felt like it. My feet were really sore from the Zante's but were otherwise good in this run. Ran in a new pair of N2 roads to protect. Stride felt decent. ABS almost got crampy during the deuce stop...but I swear I was back-arched!

All miles between 6:3x and about 7:10, with various ups and downs.

Post-run: changed and hung out, eating outrageously good clam chowder ("BAAAASTON!") and socializing. Really fun!

Rest of the day:
- home by 1
- did some work but also rested
- decided we're going skiing tomorrow (rest day!) so went to rent skis in town
- snack at "Hot Mama's Wings"
- home to hang out, watch a movie, work

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
14.0 Miles   PI Navy-Orange N2s