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2 miles + the sprinters

March 10, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Ran out one mile with the group then turned around. I definitely wasn't used to going so far without stopping. When I got back to the high school, I joined some sprinters in the wrestling room to do T25 abs. Being with the sprinters was interesting. I kind-of liked it. The distance girls hadn't come back from their run when we were finished, so I followed the same group to the multi-purpose room to do a T25 cardio routine which involved a lot of jumping and probably wasn't good for my calves, but once I started I just couldn't stop. Now my legs are really sore. I remembered that I have tutoring Saturday morning so I won't be able to go to practice.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.0 Miles 17:30 8:44 / Mile   Red-Orange Pegasus 33