October 2, 2009 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: Cold but i had lots'o layers! Haha
This was a fun run, i kinda just left my house without a plan and just ran. Haha.
I ran to settlers and ran around the perimeter in the grass, I'm working on running in the grass haha.
then i went up Ustick to Linder and crossed and then i went up Linder to cherry and ran to meridian Rd. and back home!
It was a great run, i felt super duper!
it was only 42 min tho witch is weird because it felt really long.
OH! Last night for dinner 13 of us went to Supeor Salad! Haha that was so much fun!!
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
42:34 |