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Dorris Ranch out and back road grind

March 19, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: mid 40s, warmed quick when the sun came out

Woke up before CA, intending to run with a couple fast road guys; however, the day before they changed plans to run in Cottage Grove, and farther and with a faster guys, to boot. So upon waking, I bailed on that Plan B, went back to sleep for a bit, and stuck to our original plan.

Got up, made coffee, did some strength and mobility, then went to the store so CA would have cream, then got home, dressed and headed out. It was chilly but nice out.

Parked at EWEB like last(?) week and ran into Alton Baker from there, old-school.

Did some of the usual trail running on the outbound, but the pace still dropped. Felt good, but at the same time, a little "forced". That was difficult to NOT run under 7:00 pace. I even split a 7-low on the huge uphill to Dorris Ranch.

Stopped in the park to get a drink, then kept going, all the way through and onto the Clearwater path. That last mile-ish is always tough: waiting to turn around. I decided I'd go 8.75 (as my route back is always nearly a mile shorter). Just as I was nearing...I suddenly felt and heard RUNNERS rolling up behind me. WTF? I was going like 6:40 - not killing it, but...then I saw as they passed the green, gold and "O"s. Yep, OK.

On the outbound I listened to a Tim Ferriss podcast, but it was one of those monologue Q&A ones and wasn't that great. Then just before the turn, I got out some tunes.

Then, I turned back. I didn't make a huge effort to turn up the pace, but it did. Took two (gross, annoying gels) on the way back: about 2nd mile and 5th mile.

Pace felt...solid, but it was work. If I still owned a HRM, the values would've been pretty high, but I simply focused on form:

- Tall-arched, and forward
- PUSH-PULL behind (especially on slight ups)

Gosh, I swear I've been "quad running" for 97% of my life: The slightest fatigue and glutes go away and it's all quad-push.

Somehow made it up and over Dorris hill without barely slowing down, then hauled all the way back into Alton Baker, 'til I hit 16 miles. Jogged the final mile.

GOOD RUN. Not spectacular, but good. Splits:


Pretty close to a 1:25-1:28 middle half-mary, which...well, at least I can do that! Lolz. And solid, given yesterday and the week I had. But a damn far cry from when I ran Hardesty on one day, then the next did 17 miles of the Eugene Marathon at sub-6! (end of April, 2013).

Post-run: lifted at Oakway (TOUGH lift!), then home, then to Beer Garden to work - watch duck basketball - meet with Mike. Good day!

Wore new N1 Yellow-Orange Roads.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
17.0 Miles