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"Most Distance Runners Can Count At Least To Two!"

April 19, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

STA meet today! Didn't think it would be a good meet for me because I was tired and my allergies are really bad and last meet was so good that I thought it was time for a bad one, but it was SO GREAT! I ran the 800 and Anthony put me in the 4*4 too which I was really happy about! Since they were both after 6, Mia and I went down to help measure for shot-put which was a little tedious, but cool to see the throwers. Then we warmed up for a long time for the 8 because the meet got a bit delayed which wasn't ideal because it gave me more time to worry and feel all the things that I thought were hurting. Also, Mia and I were the only GDS people in the 8, and we were in different heats, so that made me especially nervous. I was in the faster heat seeded 3 from the back, so really wasn't sure where I was going to be. Started the race in the back because Anthony said to go out conservatively, and passed 2 people in the first lap and 4? people in a group in the second lap. Like last time, I battled down the last straightaway with a girl, but she won by a few steps because I'm just so not a sprinter. Still, I'm so happy with this race! I ran 4 seconds faster than last week and technically it's a PR because I ran a 3:04 800 last year, but I think it was in a relay, so it doesn't really count...? No matter what it is, I'm very happy with how I felt and that I was able to pass people again!

The 4*4 was just low key and fun. Michelle to Hailey to Celine to me. I was pretty slow because of my aforementioned lack of sprinting ability and being tired from the 8, but glad I got to do it. Also, I'm sure I could have gone faster with closer competition, but by my leg, we were the 2nd of 3 teams and 50 meters away from both of them, so there was no way I was going to catch the first or that the third would catch me, so I didn't have a ton of motivation to go all out. Sorry for this very long rambling log. I'll stop soon. I'm just very happy and bad at expressing it in writing. I feel like the season is really coming together and I'm happy with where I am and where I'm hopefully going fitness-wise. Ok, I'll actually stop writing now. Happy birthdays to Ana and Joyce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
0.75 Miles 12:39
8:00 Warmup  
800.0 Meters 3:08 6:18 / Mile    
400.0 Meters 1:31 6:06 / Mile