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Alton Baker/PRE with AMBER

October 2, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50s, partly sunny, SUNSET

Crazy AM, then OK afternoon. Met Amber at Alton Baker to run at 5. She was running late so we didn't start the run til after 5:30.

She was mega-stressed out because work is jerking her around, so we talked about that for the first couple miles as we headed out clockwise east. Ran all the way through the main loop damn near to my house before turning back.

Legs felt pretty good; we were going slow, so THAT didn't feel all that great, but otherwise fine. Tried to keep the strides long and relaxed. was THE DAY. I thought ALL WEEK that I had to tell her how I felt. The plan was to do so after the run, before we parted ways, so the closer we got to the end of the run, the more nerve wracking it became. Even tougher was the fact that SHE was already mega-stressed (e.g. "I may have to vacate the country in ten days!"), so I wasn't even sure if I should.

But I did.

It went down pretty perfectly. She and I did some strides at the beginning of the trail, then as we were walking back to the car she stopped at this metal bench under a tree at the trailhead. There we talked. And I told her I liked her, among other things.

I thought I did a pretty bomb job: being honest and complimentary, without being nutty or anything. The HONEST part was the most important. I could tell it was uncomfortable for her, but I could also tell she liked parts of what I said. Bottom line: she DOES have a "bf", and that did not change with me admitting my feelings.

The setting was perfect though: the setting sun, along the trail, under a big oak tree, amongst the fall colors. I think if anything DID happen, this would be a pretty good story... :)

That convo took maybe 10 minutes, then we segued back into other stuff, then walked to our cars and parted ways. I was bummed at first, but then actually VERY HAPPY: I DIDN'T PUSS OUT, which was huge for me.

The next move remains to be seen...but at least I can focus on the RACE now! :)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.5 Miles