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Old Tyme Grind: to Dorris Ranch and back

July 9, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80, not terribly hot, but warm enough

Slept in again, after another busy day and late night!

Did grocery shopping for the trip and coffee, then home. Did some work, then got a call from a track runner's dad, then finally got out to run.

Thought about another tempo push (5:4x-6:0x), but thought, why not do just a long grind? Looking back at my logs from '10, this is what I used to do: seldom doing actual blocks of tempo in my long run.

Ran from the house in SE Eug, all the way to Dorris Ranch in SPFD. Rolling route with the big-ass up-and-over into the park.

Felt...heavy, but got things going. BIG-TIME focus on:

- forward lean
- Tall (arched back)
- "Flick and pull"
- strong foot

The PULL is the huge one. Again, every time I've been fast...that's been the key.

Warmed up toward Fairmount, then on that downhill, got sub-7. From there, I basically aimed to keep it, without pushing too hard. Never lost breath control, but it got uncomfortable, for sure. (It really makes me wonder if, BITD, I actually ran these sustained paces, since I didn't have a GPS watch. I'd only "sample" paces with short splits, which I could obviously fudge).

Stopped to douse and drink at the big faucet in Dorris (way in at 6.8, way out at 8.9), which felt great.

All in all...I felt strong! I finished my 16th mile on the bark at the base of our hill, then shuffle jogged the final half-mile to the house.

16 miles in 1:50.xx. Splits:

7:04 (up the B.A.H.)
6:34 (down)
6:50 (up)
6:45 (down)

What I like about this run was, maybe only two of those miles were flat-paved. Indeed, I had 900' of up & down on this run!

These are gonna be the clutch long runs for both TCM and RdL.

Rest of the day:

- "breakfast" at 2pm (FYI - fasted-cream-only run !)
- WORK. So freaking slammed. A bunch of gait analyses and FOUR potential new coach clients (denied two of them, but adding two)
- VAN. Still trying to get out of here for Colorado!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
16.5 Miles   PI Navy-Orange N2s