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Finally an Upperclassman!

July 20, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

The first freshman girl, Alyssa, finally came today, so I got to feel like an actual junior which was fun! Ran in Anthony's group with Alyssa, Benji, and two NCS girls. Run got off to a choppy start as we circled blocks trying to find the elusive and invisible new coach, but eventually we found her, dropped 2 people off at the field, and continued for 10 minutes at a nice pace while listening to how Anthony stalked Coach Ehrenhaft throughout his life ;) The temperature was disgusting, but I felt decent for such a gross day. Distance is a total estimate because it was a looping Anthony run and there was a lot of stopping and starting at the beginning, so could have been more.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.5 Miles 26:30 10:36 / Mile