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July 26, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Last summer run I could go to today. Didn't really seem like anyone knew what was going on since neither Anthony nor Coach Ehrenhaft was there, but we found groups and headed off towards Glover. Started off with a big group, but quickly split into 3s and 4s and I ended up just with Ilana. Instead of turning around at 15 mins like we were supposed to, we decided to make it a loop by going to the first intersection since we were just hitting 15 at the entrance to the trail. When we were a few blocks from the Cathedral, our group ended up reforming even though we'd all taken different routes back!

Just a calf side note: I finally got a massage stick today, and I rolled the crap out of my calves before running (like I literally have flag???). Didn't seem to help much, but I'll keep trying.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.7 Miles 30:46 11:23 / Mile