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The Big Dipper

August 6, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

After 2 days off to try to let various aches and pains get better, I ran today in Monterey where we are now. There's really only one run with a few variations to do from this house because literally every road dead ends, so I did the only kind of loop there is sort of by accident (which when mapped happened to look kind of like the big dipper). It was fine; I'm feeling very nicely in shape physically and good mentally too towards running, but of course as always my calves were tight and my shins which have been surprisingly good are starting to hurt some and my right knee has been hurting a bit and I think I slightly strained my back a few days ago and two days off doesn't seem to have made it better, so that hurt a bit too. I really hope that new shoes in a few weeks (which I desperately need) and inserts will help because I feel like I've really put the training in this summer, and I'm in a very good mental/emotional place with running right now, but if everything starts hurting none of that matters that much.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.8 Miles 30:00 10:42 / Mile