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Brunch Ruins My Life

August 7, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

It was insane weather for August even up here today: 60 degrees and rainy. Kind of perfect for running, but honestly a little cool because I didn't think to bring running clothes other than shorts and tank tops. Ran yesterday's loop in reverse with a few little explorations on dead end side roads. I accidentally went the wrong way at one turn for like 5ish minutes until I realized that I didn't recognize anything from yesterday. I tried to push the pace just slightly, so it would be a better steady pace, but nowhere near a tempo just because I think I often run unnecessarily slowly because I zone out. I ran around 7 so it wasn't getting dark yet, but it was cloudy and rainy and in the woodsy roads it was darker than I would have liked and made me a little nervous. Everything was fine though, and I got home very damp, but feeling fine. I know it's tiresome to always say what hurts, but I want to be able to look back and remember: my calves were of course tight, my right knee has been hurting slightly, and the bottom of my left foot was hurting today (like the outside of the arch). I think that's because I just desperately need new shoes, and I think I might see if there's a store up here where I could get them, because I don't want to wait another 3 weeks.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.6 Miles 35:30 9:51 / Mile