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Fern Ridge Path Bike + Hayward Run

July 17, 2008 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: 80F, nice but breezy (per usual!)

Felt OK going into this bike, but it was breezy again. I'm getting used to it, but my legs are tired from the constant biking this week. Can't believe I haven't gotten sick of it -- or listening to an hour of NPR -- but I haven't. Thank God.

Got back and was inspired by my 250m x2 runs from work to home today, so I went for a very easy jog to Hayward and back. Did drills and circuits there, which was TERRIFIC. I missed the magic of that place, of being there and getting in a hard day's work.

Knee was so-so. Goddamn it. Felt it a bit on the way out, and felt it a bit more on the way back. Not terrible, but bullshit given the 3+ days off and short, slow running. Could be from tight muscles and no taping, but c' I to assume this will completely fuck over my entire summer, in the same fashion the Achilles fucked over my ENTIRE spring? For fuck's sake. :|

Got back, stretched a bit and iced. Ate a salad, leftover omelette, and leftover TRANcake batter (cooked of course, with sugar-free syrup, which lessened the guilt). Trying to keep the weight down, and hoping the Aleve-popping has accounted for the weight gain. :|

In bed by 9ish. OK night's sleep.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes