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2nd Leg of B2K: river road segment

July 22, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: HOT, like 90, sunny

I wasn't sure what I'd have in me, given how gassed I felt after that first segment, but after the few hours rest, I came around.

Ricky made this spreadsheet of splits, trying to predict a good finishing time, so I was motivated to "hold up my end" and hit the splits, even though they were 6:15s on what looked to be a rolling course! Shit!

Thankfully I had one of the first paved sections, as we transitioned from the coast range forest roads to coastal-river road highways. I did some very light jogging, stretching, and drills, then doused my shirt so it'd be cold and soaking just before starting.

Got out pretty good...the watch at first said I was running super-fast, which I didn't believe, but before long it said I was running 6-flats, which was cool! I felt good.

MAJOR form focus, after the weird feedback from the first segments:

- Forward!
- PELVIS LEFT (loading left hip)
- strong foot push
- quick arm swing (=cadence)

The miles fairly flew by, and the course was EASY. Very light (like 10-25'?) rollers here and there, but otherwise cruiser. The only issue was heat, and that wasn't too horrible, especially only for 6 miles.

The route rolled along a river road highway that was sparsely trafficked, which was awesome. The guys stopped at just over halfway to cheer and give me a bottle to douse, which was clutch.

IN the last mile or so...the goddamn right diaphragm-ab cramps started...AGAIN. Once again, this is either:

- I'm doing something acutely wrong
--- and-or ---
- I DID something wrong, stiffened shit up, and now I'm running into that resistance

Either way, goddamn it. I had to slow a bit, focus on breathing, and "smile through it". Thankfully it worked, and I staved it off without much slow-down. It all sucks, though: it means my stride is off.

The exchange approached, and I noticed it was at a boat launch parking along the river. From afar I spied a dock going into the river! And I was SOO HOT!

So...I tagged our guy for the next exchange...and kept running! In fact, I actually PASSED him as I hammered toward the dock. Just before jumping in I asked a kayaker there how deep it was. He told me about 8' as I tossed my visor and jumped in!

Felt SO good! was estuary water, so it was both a bit warm (crazy for Oregon) and salty! Oops! Oh well! Felt great!

Fun run, and strong, too. Splits:

~6:1x (jumped in, forgot to stop it)

Rest of the day:
- hung out and watched the fellas take us into Newport. It gradually cooled off, but got breezier.
- Once in Newport, it actually fogged over and got cool!
- We took 2nd overall (but got our asses kicked by the team I battled in Leg 1)
- hung out at Rogue brewery, having a couple beers and some excellent BBQ, provided by the race!
- CA showed up in the van, then we headed to Yachats. On the way, she found out her Grandma had died that afternoon. Apparently she'd taken a turn for the worse in the morning, and was gone. SUPER-sad...
- Stayed in Yachats, and wound up hanging out with the other Eugene team (Alexis, Kristie, Adam, et al) at the brew pub before heading up to Cummins Ridge to sleep.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles 37:00 6:10 / Mile