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Brice Creek with CA and Keith

August 13, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60, perfect

Worked in the AM, and sort of lazed around a bit, then - before running - CA and I jogged to In Shape to lift, pre-run. Figured we'd get it out of the way.

From there, we drove the 45min to Brice Creek, which is south, then east in the foothills. Great, rugged trail with the epic "swimming" (jump, then scamper out) hole.

Started at the campground, which is only a third-mile from the swim spot. Then ran a big loop to the upper falls, and back.

CA led, going easy. Legs felt OK - heavy but not bad. I slept so-so last night, but felt otherwise fine. Hiked a fair portion of the 1000'+ up to the falls, but it felt pretty grind-y. From the top, I led a spirited descent, which was about the only time I taxed Keith.

Once back on the creek trail, Keith "led', but basically dusted us, multiple times. CA started to get symptoms about 8 miles in, so we slowed, slightly.

About 1.3 miles from the campground, we found another swimmming hole. I went down to check it out, and while I was carefully "analyzing" it, CA just jumped right in! SO...of course, I had to, as well. Felt good - Cold, but not frigid. After that, we jogged down to the main hole, where Keith was waiting.

Jumped in the normal way (about a 5' jump), then I led the charge up to "the high platform", which is a rock ledge that's maybe 15-20' above the water. Even that paltry height is terrifying, and with each passing second up there, it's 2 more seconds of delay, so I finally just jumped, feet first, of course. SCARY...but "good".

A few more jumps, then we jogged back to the truck.

Just shy of 10 miles. Not a bad week, given how so-so I've been feeling.

Rest of the day:
- drove straight to the Whit and essentially repeated last Sunday: beer and hummus at Sam Bonds, then Blair Alley arcade, then Meiji.
- Dessert at Sweet Life

Good day, and good times with Keith. Good kid. High strung, and almost "too smart", but a good kid. :-)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles