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Spike Up!

August 18, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Had a lovely run today in the rain. Really didn't feel like going at first because I always convince myself that it won't be pleasant, but when I got out, it was actually great. Pretty short run like many of the ones this week have been because I was running out of time before dinner. As I was coming back, I ran past a dark shape on the ground without thinking, and then realized and went back, and it was a porcupine! I've never seen one before, and it's so exciting to see wildlife that I had to stop and watch it for a while. Then also stopped to see the ocean one last time, so wasn't a super continuous run, but I was also going much faster than my usual pace when I was running. I'm sad to be leaving Maine, but super excited for XC camp, and also happy that my last run here was so good!

I want to recap my summer training because I'll hopefully have a chance to run tomorrow, but I don't think I'll have time to log well since we'll be traveling. I'm really proud of my consistency and commitment to running this summer. The last two years I've done a lot of running at STA runs, and then petered off in August when I went away, but this summer I really stayed motivated, and kept up with the weekly schedule. My calves have been tight (as I'm sure everyone who's read my logs understands by now;) ), but really, for the most part, my shins have held up really well. They're a little sore after every run, but they're not hurting for days on end like other times. Also, even though I'm obviously not doing high mileage weeks, this is probably the most I've done maybe ever and definitely in the last year. I'm really happy that my body is holding up enough to do this, and I really hope it continues to stay okay throughout the season. I'm very hopeful that this will be the season that I can make a lot of progress and feel really good about running. I think I'm in the best shape I can be in for the summer, and if my shins or any other part gives me trouble during the season, it's out of my control. I've done everything I can this summer to try to have a good season this fall, and I'm excited to run good with everyone this year!!!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.8 Miles 25:30 9:06 / Mile