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OFF - couple short walks in Rocklin

September 4, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Weather: less blazing hot (like only 100F)

Slept in 'til 730. Didn't sleep well: too much beer, and the overall nerve-frying from the past 6 days. Lazed around, did some work, then ate some toast and went for a little walk.

The right ankle-heel is super-stiff. So I think what happened was, because of lateral striking, it got locked up again, after Waldo, and it simply jammed even more. It feels soft-tissue...but really isn't. I'll need to work on it and maybe tape.

Walked around the block with coffee, then came back to the house and did coaching, then hung out with the Rydman girlz for a while. Good chats with Sara -- she echoed a lot of the stuff that BGD did, which goes to show how (positively) they're on the same page.

The girls must've snuck off when I was upstairs cleaning and packing. I hung out at the house before finally deciding to go. Went to "Bad Baker" and got some freaking amazing donuts, then got called back to the house because Sara and Tracy got me my first 40th bday present! A "salt plunger" and sea salt! But even better were some "lovies' from both Sadez and Stellz. Great girls!

After that:
- drove to Chik Fil A for "lunch #1". It was solid, but not amazing
- drove to Starbz to work
- went to In N Out with BGD, then one last beer at Boneshaker
- to the airport

Good trip. TIRED all day, but nothing severe. 105 miles in the past 7 days will do that.

OK travel home, but frustrating to be back in the smoke!