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The Most Amazing Workout!

September 6, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

I wish I had the mental energy and time to think of a creative title for this run and talk about it for a really long time, but I have calculus homework that I've been procrastinating for way too long. Workout in the rain where we ran to and around the park where we do drills, ran to the CCT to do 2 half mile pickups with a 2 min recovery in between and then ran back with an optional pickup (which I did) up the hill on the way back. I don't know how far the last pickup was, but it took 3:30, so I just included it in the way back. I felt amazing, and it was just so much fun--especially after a day where I had 5 academic classes and knowing practice was at the end of it got me through. I had such a runners high for hours after, and am really proud at how much I was able to run!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.8 Miles 49:14
2.0 Miles 23:00 11:29 / Mile Steady State  
0.5 Miles 3:58 7:56 / Mile Speed  
0.2 Miles 2:00 9:59 / Mile Recovery  
0.5 Miles 3:25 6:50 / Mile Speed  
1.6 Miles 16:51 10:31 / Mile