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My Bow Ties, My Butterflies

September 13, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Out and back tempo with farfalles. Nice group of Ellie, Ilana F-K, Sophie, and Camilla, but I felt terrible pretty much the whole time. Probably some of it was the humidity, but I felt super bloated and gross and had a terrible stitch in my rib on the way back. Kept up with my group, but felt heavy and like I wasn't moving very fast. Unpleasant run, but I think it was just a random bad day, so I'm not worried.

Now that I've logged it (and I'm pretty sure I'm correct about distances and times), maybe I felt so bad because it was just a fast tempo and I have no sense of speed.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.1 Miles 28:30
1.6 Miles 15:10 9:28 / Mile Steady State  
1.15 Miles 9:00 7:49 / Mile Tempo  
0.35 Miles 4:20 12:22 / Mile Cooldown